Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Wind

He dated her roommate's sister, something like that. I don't remember exactly. Relationships suck, because you eventually learn all of someone else's bad habits. Not like you don't have enough of your own. First thing you know, you're mired in a morass and there's no apparent way clear. If you live alone, the opposite is true, you have only your own sorry ass to consider. A lose, lose situation. Judging by where I find myself, pulled off the side of the road, laughing at swirling leaves, I'd guess I choose to be alone. I couldn't possibly explain my behavior otherwise. High winds all day. Take the extra trip to town, to do laundry, stop at the museum and eat half the monster burrito with D. No one at the laundromat but one large, old and ugly lady with the most beautiful head of silver/gray hair that I've ever seen. I do one double-load of laundry every two weeks, two dryers, comes to $4.50, $117 dollars a year. Mid winter, I wash socks and underwear by hand, hang them around, I need the moisture. I like going to the laundromat, it's a different slice of America, those of us too poor to own the equipage, or without running water, or, sometimes just the homeless, looking for a place to nap. Return to the museum, to harass D and see what he's doing, design wise, for the wine-tasting mailing. I need to go to my bank, hit the ATM for cash to buy liquor and food, give the high sign to D that we should go outside and have a smoke, because my bank is out the back door and across the street, and I see something, it looks like a flattened dollar bill, out in the road. Walk over and pick it up, it's a banded $100 batch of five dollar bills. I don't have to go to the bank after all. Finding a hundred dollars in the middle of the road is a time-saving device. We actually found a couple of more fives, plastered to the asphalt further down, lunch money. I had a beer at lunch, because I was not working, and if I understand the letter of the law, it's OK for me to drink a beer, one fucking beer, if I'm not working. What you don't know. I labor over this, what happens, what she said he said what happened, cut to the camera, and it's already too late. You can't catch up with reality.

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