Saturday, July 14, 2012


Paolo Veronese and the Petrobelli Altarpiece. They're attempting a reconstruction, but the damned thing was cut into pieces and sold separately and there are some strips missing. We don't have the original cartoons, but there's a fair amount of anecdotal evidence, and his other work, with which to compare. The more I read about this, the more incredulous I become. They bleach out the actual painting, with light, and map the substrate, every pit and bump, then grid out the reproduction in a pixel so small as to defy detection. The reproduction of the color is very close to perfect, based on a complex index that factors time of day and season. We know I'm not a technical guy, but I love reading about this. I understand what they're trying to do. Leave the technical shit up to TR or D, I can't tell one cord from another. I don't listen, when people explain things to me, I'm trying to look at the whole picture, get a sense of things. It's four o'clock in the morning, and I'm poring over images of a fragmented altarpiece from the Petrobelli chapel; it was a large chapel, there were several murals. And an art dealer decided he could sell Christ, and thus was born an industry. Not to sound too cynical. I like this place, where I can just stop, and look around. Bounce back, as it were. I might just possibly make the best omelets in the history of the planet. The one I just had was one of my best, I'd turned on the AC so I could be one with Black Dell, and I had time to fully caramelize an onion, 40 minutes, you do them much longer than that and they start drying out and become a different product, a wonderful thing that dissolves on the tongue. I'm sure it has a name. But I want the actual, converted, onion bits, with blue cheese, and a small diced vine-ripened tomato. A Roma, any firm tomato. This is so good I swoon, I swear. I nearly passed out. A three-egg omelet with a multi-grain piece of toast and a very bitter marmalade.

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