Friday, June 14, 2013


Meant to look that word up at work, but busy with the day. Remembered when I got home, and called Sara immediately. "To twitch, to cause to twitch, to pinch...". I think it's a handsome word, but I don't remember the drawing well enough to make a connection. Mark and Charlotte loaded up and off to Athens first thing with the print show. Then I finished hanging Tami's drawings, actually I have to re-hang one tomorrow, when we set the labels I noticed that one of them was an inch off. It's always an inch. And I need to go to town and get some things for the meal B and I are going to cook tomorrow. One of the great American Poets will be on the ridge tomorrow and Sunday. Howard McCord, a dear friend that both B and I have published, several times. We did his Collected Poems. He's bringing a whole pork loin and lots of booze. I'm rubbing, then coating the loin in crushed nuts, B will grill; I'm doing a mushroom and herb risotto, B is blanching some fresh peas from his garden. It's going to be one of those memorable meals. The sauce, and Linda's fantastic onion chutney. Howard is bringing me a year's supply of Kimchi. The perfect house guest. Sara and I lit the drawing show, then she printed the labels, I made them and we put them up. The show is done, on time, after a week from hell. Not bad. Good form, if truth be known. I'm a bit long in the tooth for this, one thing after another, and I might take a couple of days off, in the near future, to finish a manuscript, sleep late and drink early; but it feels so good, to be installing a show, and having new co-directors who have the museum's interest at heart. I told Sara today, I thought the museum was going down; but now there's a rebirth of wonder, with this new alignment; seems like it might be possible to be a Cultural Center, in addition to being a static display. But now I feel cool, installing a show. A museum, after all.

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