Saturday, April 7, 2012

Full Moon

I always forget the goat-suckers and their rather trying song. The repetition would strain the patience of a saint. Nightjar, whip-poor-will, pain in the brain if you have to get up to pee, because you can never get back to sleep. And I have the first of the logistical nightmares upcoming starting tomorrow and though I had decided to not think about it, I can't not. It's not that big a deal and just means I have to work Saturday and Monday, which I don't mind, because I'll be working in a museum, installing art, which is fine. Even working with very cool people, it occasionally happens that wires get crossed, or that something unexpected intrudes. Your daughter is visiting or someone is getting married and plans have to change. I'm nothing if not flexible. The fly in the ointment is opening "Visually Literate" on Thursday next. The photography show doesn't close until the museum closes Saturday (today, as it happens), the photographs have to come off the walls, the hardware has to be stripped, the walls have to be patched, repaired, and painted, and the new show has to be installed by Thursday. Theoretically, I don't start doing any of this until I go to work on Tuesday. I trust you see the problem, can't be done. Logistical nightmare, like I said. I have an algorithm for logistical nightmares because they've been a part of my life forever, and you learn to live with certain conditions, adjust, shift the fucking paradigm. I tell D we have to take the Photography Show down one hour early, so I can remove the hardware and patch the holes, then, if I come in and paint on Monday, I can install the show, with TR (whatever his schedule is), on Tues and Weds, set up and open on Thursday, and then a concert on Friday. Pretty sure we can do this. D will need to come in for an hour, sometime, to focus lights. I suspect I'll be a little manic for the next couple of days. They don't really pay me enough to do this. The logistical shit. But I like doing it. Solving problems is better than just sitting on your ass. I'll come back in on Monday and paint, then address the various issues of the installation. All right, got that done (in my head), I'd better grab some sleep. Actually I intend to sleep in tomorrow, listen to NPR, have a morel omelet, read a book, after I get done with today. Not a problem. I'll do the things that I can do today, and then it'll be tomorrow. I'm having trouble keeping track of time. 2/4, right? it doesn't get any easier than that, but what is thrown in your face is 13/14 and you're not prepared for the odd numbers. The question is whether or not to send. Come on, we're not young anymore. Doesn't mean we can't rock and roll. This moon, cutting across my visual field, is an awakening, something about the light, the pearl-like detractions, like nothing I've ever seen. I may have to stop writing entirely. At some point, just seeing something is enough to make you believe.


Curious what that meant.

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