Sunday, March 23, 2014

Town Trip

No hurry, sleep late, make a list, meet TR for lunch. Discuss opera and the body politic. The staff at the pub are happy to see me. The library, where I have the leisure to search the stacks for an hour; then load up some of my books and tools at the museum, stop by Kroger, and head back to the ridge. Stop off at B's new/old place, down on Upper Twin to drop off the tools that he needed, and my hawk and trowel, that I'll need when I go down to help with the plastering. Mark has graciously offered me my old Mac, from the museum, and TR is trying to ascertain if it will operate marginally better than my dying Black Dell. The chief advantage is that the working files for three books are on the Mac. I stopped in at Terry's new place today, under construction, to see where he wanted me to cook. He wasn't there, but I was able to look around. I liked what I saw. I could get into this, going into town, once a week, and cooking for ten or twelve people. He'd have to find me a place to sleep, I don't drink and drive; and if I'm cooking a brisket which might take 20 hours, I'm probably going to drink. Hot running water would be part of the deal. And someone else would have to do the dishes. Went down below the flood-wall, not being in any particular hurry, all the way over on the lower road, to the turn-around at that point of land, which I'm sure is named. Majestic places are always named, and where the Scioto comes into the Ohio is all of that. There's a huge debris field I can see, across the river, where a grove of maples has trapped wrack from the last flood. I have to get over there, and be the first person to poke about. Debris piles are a thing of wonder. Barbie heads and various balls, pieces of furniture, dock timbers, the crap that floats away. Usually covered with a weaving of sticks that have been abraded of their bark, and glisten like silver. I'm somewhat of a wrackologist. Half of my life spent on the terminal moraine, where shit collects, or was collected; I want to spend more time poking about. There are more than two ways of using a cane. Look it up, suck it up.

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